• Councelling Code:
      G V I C


To Impart Knowledge and path in training undergraduate students with basic knowledge with high Quality and to play a responsible role in the prosperity of society.

M1. To provide High Quality technical education and basic steps of learning for successful career in Engineering and to provide best service to the human.
M2. To Encourage Innovative Projects, Research and CSR activities.

Program Education Objectives (PEO)
PEO1: Imparting knowledge in Engineering in Analysis and Design of Systems in various disciplines.
PEO2: Infuse clarity and understanding of the basic principles of various subjects of Engineering vis-à-vis skill development such as software tools, design and sustainable construction practices enabled by Industry Institute Interaction.
PEO3: Develop Professional Ethics, Leadership, People Skills, Continuous Learning process addressing societal needs and lifelong learning.

Program Specific Outcome (PSO)
Graduates are able to Analyze, Design and Engineering systems with state-of-the art Technologies.